Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Explicit
Public Type vector
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
End Type
Public Type Angle
pitch As Double
yaw As Double
End Type
Public Type particle
x As Single
y As Single
z As Single
colour As Long
connect() As Boolean
label As String
End Type
Public Type entity
pos As vector
vertex() As particle
visible As Boolean
name As String
End Type
Public entity(100) As entity
Public selfAng As Angle
Public selfPos As vector
Public selfRoll As Double
Public FOV As Single
Public l As vector, u As vector, w As vector
Public n2 As vector, n As vector
Public nOk As Boolean
Public speed As Single
Public sens As Single
Public turnLeft As Integer
Public turnRight As Integer
Public turnUp As Integer
Public turnDown As Integer
Public turnRollLeft As Integer
Public turnRollRight As Integer
Public moveLeft As Integer
Public moveRight As Integer
Public moveUp As Integer
Public moveDown As Integer
Public moveForward As Integer
Public moveBackward As Integer
Public Function turnVect(vect1 As vector, vect2 As vector, theta As Double) As vector
turnVect.x = vect1.x * Cos(theta * Pi / 180) + vect2.x * Sin(theta * Pi / 180)
turnVect.y = vect1.y * Cos(theta * Pi / 180) + vect2.y * Sin(theta * Pi / 180)
turnVect.z = vect1.z * Cos(theta * Pi / 180) + vect2.z * Sin(theta * Pi / 180)
End Function
Public Function Vect(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As vector
Vect.x = x
Vect.y = y
Vect.z = z
End Function
Public Function PosNeg(thing As Double) As String
If thing >= 0 Then
PosNeg = "+"
PosNeg = "-"
End If
End Function
Public Function deVect(Vect As vector, Optional decPlace As Integer = 2) As String
Dim x$, y$, z$
x = CStr(Round(decPlace, Abs(Vect.x)))
y = " " & CStr(Round(decPlace, Abs(Vect.y)))
z = " " & CStr(Round(decPlace, Abs(Vect.z)))
If x = "1" Then x = ""
If y = " 1" Then y = " "
If z = " 1" Then z = " "
If Vect.x = 0 Then x = "" Else x = x & "i "
If Vect.y = 0 Then y = "" Else y = PosNeg(Vect.y) & y & "j "
If Vect.z = 0 Then z = "" Else z = PosNeg(Vect.z) & z & "k"
If Vect.x < 0 Then x = "-" & x
deVect = x & y & z
deVect = Trim(deVect)
If Left(deVect, 1) = "+" Then deVect = Mid(deVect, 2)
If Left(deVect, 1) = "-" And Mid(deVect, 2, 1) = " " Then deVect = Left(deVect, 1) & Mid(deVect, 3)
deVect = Trim(deVect)
If deVect = "" Then deVect = "0"
End Function
Public Function Mag(Vect As vector) As Double
Mag = (Vect.x ^ 2 + Vect.y ^ 2 + Vect.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5
End Function
Public Function PosVect(p As particle) As vector
PosVect.x = p.x
PosVect.y = p.y
PosVect.z = p.z
End Function
Public Function Unit(Vect As vector) As vector
Dim m As Double
m = Mag(Vect)
If m = 0 Then Exit Function
Unit.x = Vect.x / m
Unit.y = Vect.y / m
Unit.z = Vect.z / m
End Function
Public Function DotProd(vect1 As vector, vect2 As vector) As Double
DotProd = vect1.x * vect2.x + vect1.y * vect2.y + vect1.z * vect2.z
End Function
Public Function CrossProd(vect1 As vector, vect2 As vector) As vector
CrossProd.x = vect2.z * vect1.y - vect2.y * vect1.z
CrossProd.y = vect2.x * vect1.z - vect2.z * vect1.x
CrossProd.z = vect2.y * vect1.x - vect2.x * vect1.y
End Function
Public Function arccos(y As Double) As Double
y = Round(15, y)
If y >= -1 And y <= 1 Then
If y = 0 Then
arccos = 90
arccos = Atn((1 - y ^ 2) ^ 0.5 / y) / Pi * 180 - (y < 0) * 180
End If
arccos = 0
MsgBox "Condition: -1 <= y <= 1 not correct where y=" & y & " !", vbCritical, "Error!"
End If
End Function
Public Function Dirc(ang As Angle) As vector
Select Case ang.yaw
Case 0
Dirc.x = 0
Dirc.z = 1
Case Is < 90
Dirc.x = Tan(ang.yaw * Pi / 180)
Dirc.z = 1
Case 90
Dirc.x = 1
Dirc.z = 0
Case Is < 180
Dirc.x = -Tan(ang.yaw * Pi / 180)
Dirc.z = -1
Case 180
Dirc.x = 0
Dirc.z = -1
Case Is < 270
Dirc.x = -Tan((ang.yaw - 180) * Pi / 180)
Dirc.z = -1
Case 270
Dirc.x = -1
Dirc.z = 0
Case Is < 360
Dirc.x = Tan((ang.yaw - 180) * Pi / 180)
Dirc.z = 1
End Select
If ang.pitch < -180 Then ang.pitch = ang.pitch + 360
If ang.pitch > 180 Then ang.pitch = ang.pitch - 360
Loop Until ang.pitch <= 180 And ang.pitch >= -180
Select Case ang.pitch
Case -90
Dirc.x = 0
Dirc.z = 0
Dirc.y = -1
Case 90
Dirc.x = 0
Dirc.z = 0
Dirc.y = 1
Case 0
Dirc.y = 0
Case 270
Case Else
Dirc.y = (Dirc.x ^ 2 + Dirc.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5 * Tan(ang.pitch * Pi / 180)
End Select
Dirc = Unit(Dirc)
End Function
Public Function Angle(v As vector) As Angle
If v.x = 0 Then
If v.z = 0 Then
Angle.yaw = 0
Angle.pitch = (2 * (v.y < 0) + 1) * 90
ElseIf v.z > 0 Then
Angle.yaw = 0
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / v.z) * 180 / Pi
Angle.yaw = 180
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (-v.z)) * 180 / Pi
End If
ElseIf v.x > 0 Then
If v.z = 0 Then
Angle.yaw = 90
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / v.x) * 180 / Pi
ElseIf v.z > 0 Then
Angle.yaw = Atn(v.x / v.z) * 180 / Pi
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (v.z ^ 2 + v.x ^ 2) ^ 0.5) * 180 / Pi
Angle.yaw = 180 + Atn(v.x / v.z) * 180 / Pi
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (v.z ^ 2 + v.x ^ 2) ^ 0.5) * 180 / Pi
End If
If v.z = 0 Then
Angle.yaw = 270
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (-v.x)) * 180 / Pi
ElseIf v.z > 0 Then
Angle.yaw = 360 + Atn(v.x / v.z) * 180 / Pi
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (v.z ^ 2 + v.x ^ 2) ^ 0.5) * 180 / Pi
Angle.yaw = 180 + Atn(v.x / v.z) * 180 / Pi
Angle.pitch = Atn(v.y / (v.z ^ 2 + v.x ^ 2) ^ 0.5) * 180 / Pi
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function makeAng(yaw As Double, pitch As Double) As Angle
makeAng.yaw = yaw
makeAng.pitch = pitch
End Function
Public Function deAngle(ang As Angle) As String
deAngle = "YAW: " & Round(2, ang.yaw) & " PIT:" & Round(2, ang.pitch)
End Function
Public Sub Test()
Dim i%
Dim a As vector
Dim b As vector
Dim ang As Angle
Dim c As vector
a.x = 1
a.y = 1
a.z = 1
End Sub